Shielding the Flow: Exploring the Advantages of Insulative Coating for Pipe Infrastructure

Background Summary 

Our client faced difficulties with constant condensation occurring on a metal condensate pipe from the air-conditioning system. Such situations are commonplace in Singapore’s tropical climate. 

Consistent low temperatures in the pipe, coupled with high humidity in the underground environment led to constant insulation wetting for the client. 

Without the opportunity to wick moisture away and dry out, the saturated mineral wool lost its insulation properties and allowed heat transfer to occur at the external surface of the insulation wrap, causing excessive condensation to occur. 

This situation presented at least 3 problems that had to be addressed: 

  1. Saturated insulation begins dripping water onto the floor surface, potentially causing slips, trips and falls risks. 

  1. Corrosion-under-Insulation (CUI) leading to compromised integrity of the fitting, which would gradually not be fit for purpose and require a complete overhaul. 

  1. Loss of revenue consistently due to the need to perform repairs and replacement of the insulation material. 

Shikamaru Tech has introduced a new insulation material which can be easily applied to provide more effective insulation between areas facing a high temperature gradient such as the scenario mentioned above. 

S/N  Pictures  Description 
     1.  Standard insulation wrap does not allow any moisture formed to have the opportunity to wick away.  Saturated insulation losing effectiveness and allowing heat transfer to occur.  This typical installation usually requires replacement once a year. Occasionally, it is neglected and replacement may happen after more than a year. 

Trapped moisture causing CUI to occur that can potentially lead to piping failure.  The standard insulation wrap had only been applied for less than 6 months.  Picture taken Dec 2022, before starting work. 
Surface preparation is paramount and performed prior to applying the insulative coating. This ensures an extended service life of the coating.  Picture shows the affected metal pipe stripped of rust with plastic abrasives to rid it of any existing corrosion to achieve best results.  Plastic abrasives as standard abrasives may erode the metal, which could affect pipe conformity. 
        4.    The insulative coating can be applied quickly and effectively, through spray or brush. 
Shikamaru Tech inspected the downpipe after 6 months of applying the insulative coating.  No visible condensation was found. No dripping occurred.  Previous issues have now been resolved. Owner delighted as no longer need to frequently replace insulation.