Heat Vacuum Ceramic Coating Application on Living Room Roof in Dempsey Hill

  1. Executive Summary:

In response to the increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions in residential properties, a heat vacuum ceramic coating was applied to the roof of a living room in Dempsey Hill. The objective was to evaluate the impact of the coating on both the exterior and interior temperatures of the room. The results demonstrated a significant reduction in exterior temperature fluctuations and a modest improvement in interior temperature stability.

  1. Background:

2.1 Location:

The living room in question is located in Dempsey Hill, a high-end residential area known for its lush greenery and upscale homes. The tropical climate in the region, characterized by high temperatures and humidity, presented an ideal setting for testing the efficacy of the heat vacuum ceramic coating.

2.2 Coating Selection:

A heat vacuum ceramic coating, designed to reflect and dissipate solar heat, was chosen for its potential to provide insulation and reduce external heat absorption. This coating is known for its durability and ability to withstand weathering, making it suitable for outdoor applications.

  1. Methodology:

3.1 Coating Application:

The heat vacuum ceramic coating was professionally applied to the entire roof surface of the living room. Careful consideration was given to the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure proper coverage and thickness of the coating.


3.2 Monitoring Equipment:

Temperature sensors were strategically placed both inside and outside the living room to collect data on temperature variations. The exterior sensors were exposed to direct sunlight, while the interior sensors were placed in the center of the living room to capture the ambient temperature.

  1. Results:


4.1 Exterior Temperature:

The application of the heat vacuum ceramic coating resulted in a remarkable reduction in exterior temperature fluctuations throughout the day. On average, there was a consistent 10-degree difference in exterior temperatures when compared to a control area without the coating. This indicated the coating’s effectiveness in reflecting and dispersing solar heat.

4.2 Interior Temperature:

While the impact on the interior temperature was not as dramatic as the exterior, there was still a noticeable improvement. The coating contributed to a roughly 1-degree difference in the interior temperature of the living room. This modest but valuable change suggested that the coating played a role in minimizing heat transfer from the roof to the interior space.

  1. Conclusion:

The application of the heat vacuum ceramic coating on the roof of the living room in Dempsey Hill demonstrated positive results in terms of reducing exterior temperature fluctuations and providing a slight improvement in interior temperature stability. These findings suggest that the coating has the potential to contribute to energy efficiency by reducing the need for excessive air conditioning in tropical climates